Auto-renewal applies to all annual Strapi subscription plans, including the Enterprise Gold License and Premium Support subscriptions.
What is the cancellation period?
Subscriptions may be cancelled at any moment up to 30 days before the last day of the Subscription period.
Subscriptions cancelled during the Subscription period will remain active until the last day of the subscription. No refund will be issued.
Any subscription not cancelled within this cancellation period will automatically renew for a 12-month period.
How can I cancel my subscription?
- You may cancel your subscription through our online ticketing system or by sending an email to [email protected]
- Note: If your request is made via email, you must provide your Order ID
What happens when my license expires?
If it just so happens that your license expires while your Strapi application is currently deployed and running, you will not experience any abrupt service disruption/project deactivation. This is because the Strapi application checks the validity of the license during the boot-up process. However, the next time your application restarts, regardless of the reason, the license check will be carried out and the following will happen:
- All the existing roles, including custom ones, will continue to work as normal but will not be editable.
- The SSO feature will be immediately disabled.
This is important: For those still on v3, you need to rebuild your admin panel after applying the license, the same is true when the license expires. If you do decide not to renew your license, your admin must be rebuilt to revert any EE specific UI changes to prevent the possibility of any functional/representational (UI) conflicts.
We encourage you to reach out to our team in anticipation of a license renewal.